Montag, 2. November 2015

Update : Dawson Creek East end - West end

Next part of the update was some new benchwork on the East end of Dawson Creek. I also made a swap on this area between the interchange track and the teamtrack. I added about 2m of benchwork around the corner,and but a turnout with two tracks to it. One track is the mainline and the other is the interchangetrack with the CN/NAR. The BC-Rail tracks are ending here.The end of the tracks will be hidden by a bridge and some decent hills...Maybe I´ll add a short two track removable staging cassette to this end later.Wrights food service moved to the corner. All in all there is some more space between the industries and it´s looking better to my mind.
Wrights in the background moved left into the corner
Korkbed finished and track glued down.
Wrights food service
New structures added. all are none railserved. The brown structure was railserved earlier but is no more.
New location of the teamtrack to the front
 There will be a lot to do on this area but I also made a change to the West end of Dawson Creek last weekend. I was not happy with the straight look of all the roads,structures and trackwork so I decided to change the direction of the mainstreet. So I also have to change the direction of the Diamond Fertilizer plant. I turned it 90 degree and layed down the new turnout and some track.
You can stil see the old track for Diamond in the back crossing the new track. I moved the buildings around until I am near the look I´m searching for. I´ll cut two window openings next to the door to the blue building. And I will add a lot of details,too.
So those are all the updates and changes I have done during the last month. Now I´m happy with the look of the scenes on the layout and can start with some background painting and more.

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